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January 02, 2008


Mark Evans

This should be an interesting year for RSS. Here's my thoughts on it:


Peter Lenkefi at Web2Center

Anyone who uses an RSS reader knows that it is certainly a "better content" filter.

Although I still check both my email "Inbox" and my "Reader", I look forward to the happy union of both.

I believe a time will come when the advantages of RSS will put traditional email in the archives.

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Whatever is in store for us in the year ahead, RSS as an infrastructure technology is achieving critical mass.

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2008 is year of RSS, RSS Blogs etc.

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I just read that the RSS formats were preceded by several attempts at web syndication that did not achieve widespread popularity. The basic idea of restructuring information about websites goes back to as early as 1995, when Ramanathan V. Guha and others in Apple Computer's Advanced Technology Group developed the Meta Content Framework.

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Am using RSS and yeah it is one of the good things in the recent times.


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Great info

RSS is really nice funda.


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Great info

RSS is really nice funda.

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My Hairy Cunt Ease of use will be greatly enhanced with discovery and filtering mechanisms to help you find new content and sort/organize the feeds you already subscribe to. People simply don't say "I need more content", but they do consistently say "I need better content". Petite Hairy Teens | Very Big Hairy Bush


Marshall Kirkpatrick penned a good post just before Christmas on 2007 highlighting the year in RSS, which made me consider the year ahead in terms of both consumer and enterprise RSS adoption. I polled some of our leading thinkers on the subject and here's what came back:


Marshall Kirkpatrick penned a good post just before Christmas on 2007 highlighting the year in RSS, which made me consider the year ahead in terms of both consumer and enterprise RSS adoption. I polled some of our leading thinkers on the subject and here's what came back:

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