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January 11, 2008


Showbiz Intriga? Get It From Boy!

great info. i'm switching from google reader to a desktop feed reader.

but you failed to include a link or what desktop feed reader to use, esp. for newbies like me...i want to be spoon-fed...



You can use Omea Reader. Get it here jetbrains.com. Its a 5 start rss reader and also recommended by mashable

Stephane Cheikh

We have deployed Skinkers, Desktop Alert RSS reader in the enterprise and its working really well.

Check out my blog there is a post with a presentation on how we've implemented this tool.


The EasyByte RSS Ticker is probably the fastest to use RSS Reader out there.
For Enterprise use the EasyByte RSS Server can be used in conjunction for sending alerts to employees.


i'd prefer the Web-based. no need to download any reader.

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